Dr. Gennadii Tsirat on International Civil Procedure (Cross-Border Litigation) in Ukraine
Dr. Gennadii Tsirat prepared a brief of the current regulation of international civil procedure in Ukraine. The article will without any doubt serve all persons interested in investing in Ukraine, as ...
Modern Franchising in Ukraine by Dr. Anna Tsirat
Dr. Anna Tsirat prepared for Ukrainian Law Firms 2019. A Handbook for Foreign Clients an article on modern franchising in Ukraine. Find the full article here (in English)....
Moving the Needle: Increasing Board Diversity in Canadian Organizations
Jurvneshservice lawyer Kateryna Tsirat participated in an interesting for our society event organized by the Conference Board of Canada (Governance, Compliance and Risk), Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Com...
Gennadii Tsirat on voidness of arbitration agreement
Gennadii Tsirat highlighted one of the most “painful” problems in the interaction between arbitration and state courts – recognition of the arbitration agreement null and void. To get to know legislat...
Judicial Reform in Ukraine: Achievements and Further Steps
The conference Judicial Reform in Ukraine: Achievements and Further Steps held in Kyiv on 1 June 2018 was organized under the auspices of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, the Judicial Reform Council, the...
Drawbacks of the bill on Franchising
Anna Tsarat, who defended a thesis on franchising agreements in 2003, commented on the Draft Law of Ukraine on Franchising (No. 7430), highlighting its main drawbacks. You can find the opinion of the ...
Kateryna Tsirat about main problems of Eurointegration
Professional magazine “Legal Practice” («Юридическая практика») published an article written by Kateryna Tsirat, where she shared her impressions of an academic conference in Berlin and her reflection...
Gennadii Tsirat about Stockholm and Central European Arbitration, Legal High School
Gennadii Tsirat gave a lecture within the framework of the learning platform Legal High School. The lecture was dedicated to one of the most popular arbitration institutions among Ukrainian businessme...
Problems of a specialized court on intellectual property issues
On March 22 the Intellectual Property Committee of the Ukrainian Bar Association arranged a meeting with the working group of Queen Mary University of London project to provide Ukraine with technical ...
Conferences on European Private International Law in Berlin
Legal academia and practicing lawyers should be connected very tightly, and interchanges between these two poles are very necessary and urgent nowadays. That is why Jurvneshservice lawyers participate...
Anna Tsirat commenting judicial reform on live TV
Anna Tsirat shared her opinion live for Espreso.TV concerning judicial reform, mainly concerning new procedural codes approved by the Ukrainian parliament. Watch the whole interview at the official Es...
The Hague Principles on Choice of Law
The Conference “Towards a Global Framework for International Commercial Transactions: Implementing the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts” organized by the Univers...
Draft of the Convention on Enforcement of Mediated Settlements
The United States of America has made a proposal to the UNICTRAL Commission to consider at its 47th Session in New York (7-18 July 2014) a multilateral convention on the enforceability of internationa...
Is it possible to restore trust to judicial system of Ukraine?
This question was addressed by our partner Anna Tsirat who, having an outstanding experience as an attorney, joined a public discussion concerning purge of judicial system and restoration of trust to ...
Kateryna Tsirat on changes to EU legislation concerning recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments
One of our associates examined and analyzed changes to EU legislation concerning recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments: the changes were introduced by Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the Eu...
Security Measures in International Commercial Arbitration: Matters of Law and Validity
Interim measures are considered to be a safeguard hampering an unfair defendant to evade responsibility. After the application of provisional measures, the defendant loses the right to dispose of his ...
Legal status of Foreigners in International Civil Process: Experience of International Unification
It’s known that foreigners enjoy legal protection comprising free access to courts in the same extent as the nationals of a certain state, and this right doesn’t depend on reciprocity. An indispensabl...
Bilateral Treaties on Legal Aid as an Example of Unification of International Civil Procedure
Bilateral treaties play an important role in the international regulation of international procedure matters. Ukraine has nowadays about 30 treaties on legal aid, part of them is binding for Ukraine a..