The array of private civil relations in air law is so formidable that one can acknowledge the existence of a whole separate field of international private air law. Such opinion is sound and well-grounded paying attention, inter alia, to the fact that scholars mark out international private family law, international law of intellectual property, etc. Among the sources of international private air law we can designate 1) domestic (national) legislation (the Law of Ukraine “On Private International Law”, the Air Code of Ukraine); 2) international treaties (Warsaw Convention of 1929, Montreal Convention of 1999, bilateral air services agreements); 3) foreign legislation (imperative rules essentially); 4) international organizations acts (acts of ICAO, ECAC, etc.); 5) customs (international public air law customs, insurance customs) and 6) judicial practice (first of all judicial practice concerning the Warsaw Convention of 1929 and Montreal Convention of 1999). These questions are in fact terra incognita for Ukrainian law doctrine so each matter deserves to be thoroughly analyzed and studied.